Earth First! Journal 32, no. 1


  • Aguamala
  • Panagioti
  • Russ
  • Jackie


activism, journalism, conservation, deforestation, fossil fuels, environmentalism, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, protests, wilderness


Aguamala, Panagioti, Russ, and Jackie, eds., Earth First! Journal 32, no. 1 (December 2011). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

  • Wolf Wars
  • Eat Sleep, Click: The Bicycle Powered Server Farm Industrial Complex?
  • Monkeywrenching Heavy Machines
  • The Black Fish
  • Tearing Out the Heart of the Monster: Literary Voices Rise Against the Tar Sands
  • Colonialism, Biofuels and Land Rights in Central America
  • The Observer Tree: At the Center of Deforestation in Southwestern Tasmania
  • Decisive Ecological Warfare
  • If Deep Green Resistance and the Occupy Movement Merged
  • Ex-Factory Worker Turns Buffalo Defender, Swamp Rat, and Investigative Eco-Journalist
  • Prisoner Bios: Exile and Justin Solondz
  • Libertad para Ramiro Choc
  • Political Prisoner Directory
  • Letters from the Cages
  • EF! Newsletter #6
  • Invitations to the 2012 Summer Rendezvous in Upsate New York & Winter Organizers’ Conference in Southern Utah
  • The Illawen
  • Armed with Visions
  • Love Connection with Dr. Love
  • Herb Blurb: Cures for What Ails You, from Romance to the Common Cold

The real question of interest: Is there actually a movement afoot capable of interjecting on the brink of ecological collapse and stopping the global economic system from simultaneously crushing what’s left of the planet’s biodiversity and humanity’s social freedom? 

— Panagioti

The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.

Earth First! Journal 32, no. 1




